Sunday, October 13, 2013


For this day we didn't really do much in the class. We had to have two poems to turn in and have graded. Also, we had to bring in extra poems into class to read in groups. We analyzed each other's poems. The only problem with this was trying to read each other's handwriting.

Discussing the fiction packet, it wasn't the easiest thing to follow. The first story, Survivors, is about a gay couple that are basically on their death beds. They seem to suffer from some disease, possibly AIDS. The one wants to die before his boyfriend because he doesn't want to deal with his partner's parents and his parrot. He knows that his boyfriend's family would blame him for the death of their gay son, for giving him the disease in the first place. He doesn't want to be the one to then set the parrot free because then he would be completely alone. With this he wants to be the one to die first and not end up being the horrible survivor.

Mystery Stories is a bunch of short paragraphs that have confusing messages. They seem to all have some setting, but they don't all make sense. The stories tend to sound like something coming from a dream. An example of this is in the first one, where the narrator meets and shakes hands with the cat and the woman become jealous of him. They last two sentences of each paragraph give it away to being something not real as if in a dream state.

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